Summer in France and Spain 2019 (Day 18)

Luzech and the Causses du Quercy

Sunday, 04.08.2019

many km

Another thing the Causses have got in abundance: Caves.
And thus the plan is to visit one today. The Gouffre de Padirac.

But before we have to revisit the Auberge de Beauville.
And it is well worth it. Today, being Sunday, we are treated to some top class Foie Gras.


And we get some entertainment thrown in. Some nice vintage cars.

Horses (vintage unknown).

So everybody is happy.


The afternoon turns to be slightly stressful. The plan was to visit Rocamadur. Famous for chees religious madness. The fact, that there were 12 numbered parking areas signposted, should have been a warning. Which we choose to ignore.
The place is packed, like Disney Land. In high season.
Where are they coming from?

So we leg it. We still have some time at our hand before our booked slot at the cave. I hand over the navigation to the IO, while trying to make it to the nearby Dordogne for a swim. Yeah, if you have rad this blog so far, you know how this is going. Still, eventually we find a nice swimming spot.

Then its of to the famous cave. Which is foremost a huge hole in the ground.



You are free to explore at your own speed. But before you get to the most spectacular part of the cave, you have to go on a little boat trip. Nice.




An amazing cave. Highly recommended.
Tomorrow now its inwards to the Charente.

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